Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 2 Totals are in!

Congratulations for exceeding the averages from week 1! 354 participants climbed a total of 46,015 floors this week for an average of 129 floors per person.

The top 3 teams for week 2 are as follows:
1st and prize winner: Bacon Bits (average of 463 floors per team member reporting)
2nd: Cytogenetics (average of 412 floors per team member reporting)
3rd: "Auntie" Bodies (average of 365 floors per team member reporting)

We would also like to recognize the Shining Stars listed below who have been inspiring team members. The shining star winner for week 2 is
Nedda Howk.
Other Shining Stars for week 2:
Michelle Lacagnina
Ann Cornwell
Carlene Holden
Chris O'Brien
Cindy Lattimer
Donald Gullickson
Stacey McGahan
Art Ward
Lisa Augostini
Irina Statnikova
Jill Martin
Josette Peck
Julie Civiletti
Karen Genett
Karissa DePoint
Kathi Johnson
Katie Gaffney
Kim Pelletier
Laura Francz
Laura Hogan
Lauren Powell
Liz Gajary-Coots
Lynne Shelley
Mauricio Brown
Nedda Howk
Peter Swanson
Michael Rusnak
Tiffany Amalfi
Liz Luebbe

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